Monday, September 20, 2010

TRAILER REVIEW: The Guardian's: The Owls of Ga'Hoole

The man behind the Dawn of the Dead remake, 300 and Watchmen is now heading for the skies in this new animated adventure that deals with owls. Everytime I see this trailer is makes me think of The Goonies. Now I'm not saying that it looks better than the Goonies; only that the sense of adventure and discovery that's in The Goonies, is in some ways, recreated in this trailer.

That being said...

Lately more and more fantasy type novels and stories are being adapted. The Harry Potter movie series is finishing up its run and studios I'm sure are clamoring for the next big thing! So far its been failure's all around; Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The Last Airbender.

I don't understand how the Harry Potter movie series, which is also based on a kids/young adult book if you've been living under a rock, can go on for two hours theatrically and have you hooked for the entire time and then you have two really great series' in your possession that have Harry Potter and even Star Wars like capabilities and you just short change the story completely!

I actually read a few of the books to Percy Jackson and was really looking forward to seeing the movie cause it brought the Gods into our generation in a new and exciting way. The book was filled with such history about all of the main characters interactions with the Gods and all we got was a cliff notes version of it. I saw The Last Airbender television series after seeing the movie and was immediately saddened that so much of the story was sacrificed to get to an ending that didn't mean anything, when it should. I know not every fantasy type novel or television cartoon has a history as rich as Harry Potter, but these two properties did, and more.

Here's hoping that Guardian's changes some of those things. The trailer opens with the legend of the Guardian's and their place in owls history. Being also based off a children's book, the trailer then shifts and has our young owl heroes out to find these legendary Guardian's, for help. For one, I really hope there is more of a history to these creatures than the voice over in the trailer.

Next we get this really horrific, inspirational, "you can make it to the finish line music", that I think completely shoots the trailer in its foot. The movie is directed by Zack Snyder which you would never known cause for some 'effed up reason his name isn't anywhere in the trailer. Even though Snyder is known for his very hard "R" movies, I think that this movie could benefit from his name being up there in bright lights. But then again, I could understand if the studios are like "we don't wanna give off that this movie is gonna have buckets of blood and action...sooo...take his name off"; fuckers. Aside from my Goonies nostalgia, I really feel or at least hope that Synder has crafted a much more serious and reality based movie than the trailer is showing off. What I mean by reality based is that while all the pretty lights and slow-mo is a Snyder trademark and exciting, I hope that real threats and consequences fall upon our heroes and their Champions.

This movie is also getting an IMAX release as well as a 3D release and the only reason I'm happy for that is because it will be getting Resident Evil: Afterlife out of there. THANK GOD! But I'm not sure yet if I will see it in either format yet. Perhaps the 3D, but IMAX is a little pushing it.

As always my final review will be when the credits roll and house lights go up!


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