Que Onda! Fellow movie lovers. Alright so Machete is out in theaters and our trailer review as well as a full movie review is up! Here are some Production stills from the making of our Machete episode from the Chicago Comic Con
My first Darren Aronofsky movie was The Fountain; a movie that starred Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz. The movie spanned the course of three time periods and dealt with life, death, and a possible afterlife. While it got mixed reviews, I thought it was a beautiful piece, visually and emotionally, of how we as people deal with wanting to live forever and what we would do, if we had the power to save the ones we love from death. I'll be honest when the credits rolled the night I saw the movie, everyone was just still in their seats as they all soaked in what we had just experienced. It's something about that movie that even though I couldn't fully come to an end in my mind about it; the visuals, the music, and the emotionality of it all struck a very hard chord with me. So resonant that I simply didn't mind the ambiguity of it all. Its these kinds of movies that I appreciate because they work so well upon multiple viewings!
This prompted me to learn and experience everything I could bout Darren Aronofsky, I proceeded to head out to Circuit City, yes you heard me right, and purchase a double disc of Requiem for a Dream and π (pi). Simply Amazing! I could write separate blogs on each!
Next, Aronofsky directed The Wrestler, which starred Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomei. The Wrestler is about a beat up "WWE- like" wrestler who is still trying to keep the glory days alive. But after suffering a deadly match, he must come to terms with his own mortality and attempts to right wrongs he's committed in his life. A story of redemption and trying to find your place in this world after it seems its passed you by, really tugged at my heart strings. The striking imagery and reality of the pain this man puts himself through just to feel appreciated was painful to watch. But it brought Mickey Rourke back and made that character worth my feelings. This movie really taught me the sense of character. I had already known little things could go a long way, but just to pick up this guys life after such a successful run and then watch him try and piece it back together as best he can, really gave me an idea of the human spirit.
Which brings us to Black Swan, which stars Natalie Portman as a young ballet dancer who has just been cast as the lead in a new production of Swan Lake. After though, a new ballet dancer appears in the form of Mila Kunis and potentially threatens to take Portman from the limelight. Along the way it looks like our perception will be tested as the trailer looks to take a dip into the physiological. Or does it?
Natalie Portman has starred in the most recent Star Wars Trilogy's and V for Vendetta. Vincent Cassel has been in Ocean's 12 and 13, Brotherhood of the Wolf, and his new movie out is called Mesrine, which is based on a true story about French criminal Jacques Mesrine, and Mila Kunis who has been on That 70's Show, Extract, and most recently The Book of Eli. The person who is really surprising me here is Mila Kunis. I think I was one of those naive persons who could only see her as Jackie from That 70's Show. But with her work in The Book of Eli and from what I see from Black Swan; she's definitely spreading her wings....giggle.
I really hope that this is the ONLY trailer that comes out for Black Swan cause I don't want to know anymore than what it shows; and honestly why would you want to know more?! This trailer does its duty as a teaser because it merely gives us a basis for the story then shows us random images that are some how related to that story. Mission Accomplished. The images seem to invoke a great sense of loss of identity, pressure, perfection and a serious dose of a psychological break with reality. All this with what sounds like some original Clint Mansell and I smell hit!
With all of this building up in the trailer; Desire, Perfection in an imperfect world, and the grueling nature of dance and ballet; we are given the last scene of Portman's character pulling what seems to be the beginnings of a feather, out of scar on her back, that we see randomly worsen throughout the trailer. If this, isn't enough to make you want to see what the hell is happening on December 1st, you should seriously consult a physician.
This trailer is definitely a lesson in how much you can do, with so little. This write up is proof of that. The simple story and images given provide a plethora of speculation and excitement. I for one cannot wait to see this psychological ballet thriller; just listen to how that sounds, PSYCHOLOGICAL. BALLET. THRILLER. Where do I pre-order tickets from already!?
We are officially one week away from our Chicago Comic Con Debut! Dorian and Myself have a lot of treats in store for all of you who check into our site regularly, so stay tuned.
We've just secured our very first interview with Alexandre O. Philippe, the writer/director of the documentary The People vs. George Lucas. Alexandre as well as Neil Marshall (The Descent, Doomsday, and the upcoming Centurion), Drew and John Erick Dowdle (Devil), and Stuart Levy (Van Von Hunterr) will take part in a panel called "Moviemakers meet Moviegoers". The directors will lead various discussions about their work and other topics.
Also screening at the Con on Friday August 20th in Speaker Room A is The People vs. George Lucas. The doc will screen at 8:30pm, followed by a Q and A with writer/director Alexandre O. Philippe. This is just the tip of the ice berg for events at the Con.
Aside from Dorian and Myself (Bobby Navia), I wanted to let you all know who will be our crew on this adventure of ours. This would not be happening if these individuals hadn't agreed to lend a hand.
As our DP/Cameraman is: Gregory Cozzi As our on location audio tech is: Kieran Dennis and As our on location photographer: Tyler Crane
Guys you'll never know how much this means to me. Thank you.
This new logo, pictured above, which will be incorporated into our show from here on out is a Chicago Comic Con exclusive. The designer of this logo is a good friend of mine Mr. Dave Curbis